None of the work we do at our church would be possible without God moving the hearts of our people to give. Your generosity helps create a church where people feel welcomed, led, and loved—a place where life-changing stories are being written every week. On behalf of those stories, thank you for giving from your heart.
We give in order to be blessed, not for fear of anything negative in our lives. We give out of gratitude and love! You can give your gift safely and securely online - this is one of the easiest ways to give to our church. Thank you.
As people of God we give because God has given so much to us. God doesn't need our money, but he does want what it represents: our purposes, passions, and priorities. We give to make a Kingdom impact locally in Linton, across the country, as well as globally through mission efforts. We give to increase the Kingdom through our generosity so that others may know Jesus better!
When you donate you can choose one or several funds to give to.
Our church is just a place for God's people to gather in worship of Him. To keep the church running smoothly with staff, technology, utilities, insurance, and supplies each of us can contribute to the benefit of the Church.
God has entrusted us to be good stewards of the blessings he has given us on earth. Our church building, fellowship hall, and parsonage are examples of those blessings. Maintaining and repairing these buildings are part of that faithful stewardship.
Saron believes in creating opportunities to serve and bless our local community. We support the Linton Food Pantry with volunteers, financial support, and donations of goods and food.
This ministry shares God's love by paying for laundry machines and detergent at local laundry mats. While clothes are being washed we get to know and love on the people we serve.
Supporting this ministry gives young people a safe place to know more about Jesus, grow in the love of Jesus, and show that love of Jesus to others they encounter. This fund is used to provide opportunities and activities to learn about Jesus and have some fun doing it.
You can support our summer mission trips. Each summer we take our youth group on a national mission trip. Our intent is to make sure that cost is not a barrier to any youth that want to grow from this experience.
From serving the needs of those in our community to reaching others in the US or around the globe, Saron believes in showing the Love of Jesus to ALL of God's people.
Copyright 2024 Saron United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved.